Talking Money

Welcome to our Talking Money Section giving you and your parish good stewardship advice

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We have developed Talking Money to help anyone concerned with increasing giving to their parish

This Talking Money section gives you support and advice on the following areas

  • Parish Giving Scheme
  • Digital Giving
  • Legacies
  • Budgets
  • Good Stewarship

Parish Giving Scheme: The best way to encourage giving

The Parish Giving Scheme is the most effective, efficient method for people to give regularly.
It is successfully used by 85% of Liverpool churches with about 3,500 people gifting £3.13million in 2021.
As a way to make a difference, nothing else comes close.

Find out how it can help your church here.

Get help and support

These pages should tell you all you need to set your parish up but if you still require help then:- 
email or call Steve Pierce on 07920 795570 


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