Healing and deliverance ministry

Deliverance ministry is a specialist area of ministry and something clergy can feel nervous about. Here we offer clergy a practical guide with where to go to get help

Deliverance ministry is not something we come across every day, but it is something that clergy will be required to deal with at some time in the course of their ministry. With this in mind please see below a few things that may help you.


What should I do if someone is disturbed and comes to me for help?

Your first priority is to listen and to calm anxiety. Listen carefully, question carefully and write down some notes. Just listening to the story will help calm someone who is distressed, and assurance and prayer will relieve anxiety further.


What happens next?

If you have no experience or little or even if you have much experience but reached the end of your comfort zone please do get in touch with the convenor of the Healing and Deliverance ministry team

Revd Canon Dr Ellen Loudon: Ellen.loudon@liverpool.anglican.org


Support for you

We are here to support you in your ministry.

Initially, we will simply listen and try to work out just what has been going on. What we do next depends very much on what has been happening. On some occasions, we will simply offer advice to you on how to proceed. In other instances, and always when requested by you, we will arrange to visit /meet and minister alongside you,

We can also offer to facilitate training in both the healing and deliverance ministry. You can get this by contacting the convenor of the Healing and Deliverance ministry team

Revd Canon Dr Ellen Loudon Ellen.loudon@liverpool.anglican.org


What every clergy should know

The House of Bishops has produced ‘Guidelines for Good Practice in Deliverance Ministry’ Every ordained person in the Diocese should have a copy of this document and use it as the basis for ‘Good Practice’ in ministry.

This is particularly significant in responding to the anxious, troubled and often vulnerable people who are frequently encountered through the Ministry of Deliverance



As we are dealing with vulnerable people we also need to be aware of safeguarding issues.

For all Information on safeguarding please go to


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