Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee

The Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee (DMPC) is a statutory committee established under the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011. The DMPC’s remit is, in broad terms, to keep under review arrangements for pastoral supervision and care in the diocese and to make recommendations to the Bishop.

In our diocese, this committee is chaired by the Bishop of Warrington and is made up of representatives from each Archdeaconry as well as other advisers.

How DMPC is structured

Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee provides a strategic overview.  Alongside the main committee, there are also 2 subcommittees:

  1. Legal and Administrative Sub Committee - deals with careful examination and progress of pastoral schemes and orders.
  2. Church Buildings (Uses and Disposal) Committee - deals with matters relating to the vulnerability and viability of church buildings, and the oversight of the closure of churches.

Each work together to support the Deanery Mission and Pastoral Committees aiming to fulfil our vision to ask God for a Bigger Church to Make a Bigger Difference.

The DMPC structure above was agreed by Diocesan Synod in 2019 - see DMPC revised committee structure.

For more information visit the section on pastoral reorganisation.


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