Joshua Centre

'I am convinced that the royal road to church growth, across the whole diversity of our Church of England, is the multiplication of congregations within our neighbourhoods and networks.' Bishop Paul

The Joshua Centre was created by the Diocese of Liverpool and Liverpool Cathedral as the focus for our vision of launching new congregations to reach new neighbourhood and networks.

We offer support to parishes and deaneries to make multiplying congregations doable.

If your church is engaged in mission activities where you see potential to start a new congregation, we are here to:

  • encourage you
  • explore ways of moving forward together
  • pray with you
  • support you
  • cheer you on.

Some new congregations will meet in a church building on Sundays while others gather in a variety of spaces and at different times of the day or week. All are worshipping communities seeking to follow Jesus while playing their part in growing 'a bigger church to make a bigger difference'.

To help you to discern whether you are developing new congregation, we’ve established a set of questions. You can download them here.

Our diocese received a £1m grant from the Archbishop’s Council to develop our innovative, practical plans to grow the church through multiplying congregations. This enabled The Joshua Centre to support multiplying congregations.

You can read the independent evaluation of the Joshua Centre here

To find out more about the Joshua Centre and its work, visit their website  and you can contact Anthony Clowes at who continues to offer support to existing congregations but is also available to share his experience of starting new congregations.

#biggerchurch #biggerdifference

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