Running a parish church is an important task and the rules for PCCs, as well as those for Churchwardens, can seem demanding. These pages aim to help you to run your church successfully.
Charity Trusteeship
Every member of a PCC, whether ex-officio, appointed, elected, or co-opted, is a Charity Trustee. This is a useful link to resources from the national church
Public Benefit
To be a charity is to provide a benefit to the public and the PCC's Annual Report is the place where the public benefits, that we provide as churches, are reported. When planning the activities that provide these benefits, each PCC must take into consideration guidance given by the Charity Commission and a statement to this effect must also be made within the PCC's Annual Report. For an example Statement that can be included in your PCC's Annual Report, follow the link below.
Example Statement:
The Advancement of Religion for the Public Benefit
The full text of the Charity Commission's guidance is available through the following link.
Charity Commission Guidance
PCC members and private benefit
All PCCs are subject to Charity Law in this area; this is just a brief reminder of the current position.
Private benefit can arise where a member of the PCC or a person or organisation connected to her/him receives payment or another benefit from the Church. Although members of the PCC are allowed to also be employees of the PCC, there are strict guidlines that must be followed.
The whole area of private benefit is complex and if you think that your Parish may be affected you may need to take action to ensure the law is complied with. The Resources Team have experience in this area and will be able to give you initial guidance.
Contact them on 0151 705 2180 or email, Cath Gaskell (Finance Resources Officer) or Gordon Fath (Resources Officer)