SMMIB to consider Independent Review report over the next few months

First published on: 12th October 2023

The Strategic Ministry Mission and Investment Board (SMMIB) of the Church of England will meet on October 18th to receive the report of our Independent Reviewer Ashley Scott. We understand that this is a new area of work for us and for the national church and therefore needs careful consideration. SMMIB are likely to want to consider a range of factors before responding specifically to the situation in Liverpool at their December meeting. 

As the Diocese of Liverpool will not see the report ahead of the October SMMIB meeting, the Bishop agreed to postpone the last Bishop’s Council meeting. He also agreed to move October’s synod to an online only meeting as we will not be able to produce a medium-term budget and financial plan for synod since the outcome from SMMIB will be an important factor in those decisions. 

We are having constructive conversations with the national church about extending support to underpin our finances into 2024.  This will enable us to continue to plan confidently for the short-term while the wider medium to long-term decisions are made. We would like to thank Ashley for his work on the review, for listening and engaging with us and bringing his report to the national church. So far, we have had positive discussions around this issue as we continue to make the case that our diocese has a unique challenge in trying to manage a structural budget deficit without a historic asset or endowment fund to use. We are therefore continuing to explore a different conversation about how local mission and ministry is financed on the ground. 

We believe that we can create a successful partnership between ourselves, our deaneries and parishes and the national church. 

At this stage we cannot say anything further; however, there are two things everyone can do. Firstly, please pray for the process. Pray for the meeting on October 18th and the subsequent conversations that will be held. 

We believe in a God that provides and that God is with us in this. We will have a time of prayer around the time the report is made public however we welcome your prayer in parishes and deaneries. Secondly, please keep paying what you can in Parish Share. This is vital both for the credibility of our negotiations with the national church as well as our on-going ability to pay clergy stipends. 

Bishop John said “We are grateful for the opportunity we have had to present our case to the national church and the positive way in which everyone has engaged with this process. We must continue to work with and trust the process. And we must hear the voice of God in this process. We have always wanted to be open about the challenges we face and the solutions we can find. We believe in our vision to ask God for a bigger church to make a bigger difference and believe in our long term vision to invest in being Fit for Mission.” 


Please pray for this process

We ask that every deanery and parish includes this process in prayer.

We give thanks for Ashley and the Independent Review.
We ask for your spirit of wisdom, that he may listen well and challenge appropriately.
We pray that your will be understood and heard through this process as together we discern the best way to be part of your mission in the world.
We give thanks for the generous givers and faithful stewards of our finances and ask you to bless us in this work
For the sake of your son our saviour Jesus Christ

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