Heartfelt thanks for all knitted donations to the SWAN appeal

First published on: 1st March 2024

The Chaplaincy & SWAN teams at LUHFT would like to thank everyone who has donated knitted/ crocheted items to the SWAN appeal.

A special thanks to the Liverpool Cathedral prayer shawl ministry team who have recently donated several bags of blankets and shawls to the trust's hospitals, which were kindly delivered to us by Catriona Richardson.

The blankets hearts & teddies are very gratefully received by our patients who are approaching the end of their lives and their families. This is an extract from a thank you from one of our families;

You provided some knitted hearts which we placed upon her bed.  These proved to be of great comfort to us.  On Saturday I placed a particular heart in mum’s left hand (her paralysed side) leaving her right to be held and allowing a squeeze as her only communication.  After she had passed, the left heart was still there, and remained warm.  This heart remains with me as part of mum.  At Christmas, it will adorn our tree as my sister’s hearts will be placed on her tree as a loving memory.

As a very busy hospital trust, we will be continually in need of these items and hope that those who are involved in craft clubs can offer their support. The trust can provide wool for anyone who wishes to help. For further information don't hesitate to get in touch with the teams directly, rather than the Diocese:



Thank you 

The Chaplains & SWAN team at LUHFT


Can you help?

Download heart patterns here


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