Diocese of Liverpool remembers

First published on: 10th November 2023

Churches across our diocese will be at the forefront of commemorations to mark Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday this weekend. Bishop John, The Bishop of Liverpool will be among those at St George’s Hall for Liverpool’s Service of Remembrance.

The bishop comments that “violence has become a mark of our culture. As we remember the effects of war on humanity we call to mind the prediction of the German philosopher Neitche that ‘the 20th century will be the bloodiest century in history and a sort of universal madness will breakout’. Sadly, we witness that madness today. We see the conflicts in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel and the forgotten wars around the globe. We see how the politics of convenience and opportunism has paved way for conflicts and violence. We all participate, knowingly or unknowingly, in this politics of violence.

We remember with gratitude the soldiers who sacrificed their lives in the cause of the freedoms we treasure. We also remember the millions of civilians who died in war through no fault of their own. We need to open our eyes and see the politics of violence which we ourselves are involved, and we need to accept God, who is not only ours but is of those we consider our enemy.

Can we stand firm alongside this god, who calls us to recreate the world in justice and peace?"

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