Communities of Healing

First published on: 25th May 2023

Rev Canon Elaine Jones, healing advisor to the Diocese, believes our church communities have so much to offer in providing healing communities to our broken world. Elaine would like to increase awareness of how our journey through the worship service takes us on a pathway of healing, starting with our greeting and welcome for those who gather to worship, providing space for confession and receiving of absolution, reflecting on the life-giving nature of God’s word, interceding on behalf of others and both the blessings and fellowship we receive before we leave.  One of the most powerful healing acts in our service is the Holy Eucharist. 

To help begin the journey towards healing it can often help to reconcile with past hurts, as such Elaine was delighted when Rev Dr Russ Parker (pictured), director of 2Restore accepted an invitation to come to St Cleopas church in the Dingle to talk about healing wounded histories. The event was attended by clergy and lay readers involved in healing ministry and led by Russ, there was engagement in several key themes that can bring healing to our churches and community.  

The question was asked “Is the church a help or a hindrance in bringing healing to our communities" and how often do we consider blessing the places in which we long to see flourishing.  We considered the wounded stories of the people in the places in which we serve and how they are echoed down the generations influencing everyday actions. The power of truly listening and being willing to engage in representational confession with the community God has called us to, as their story now becomes our story.  The conversations culminated in the therapy of the Holy Eucharist in helping to enhance our understanding of the value of remembrance, the victory of Christ’s death over death and the validation of forgiveness.

Across our Diocese, like in so many places, there are people and communities in need of healing and those who have been deeply wounded both by events of the past and present-day but following on from this teaching we connected more deeply with ways in which we invite God into healing the wounds and in our continuation to develop as communities of healing.

Rev Canon Elaine Jones

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