Bishop of Warrington to take study leave this autumn

First published on: 8th September 2023

Bishop Bev has announced that with the blessing of Bishop John she will take a sabbatical this autumn. The bishop will start her study leave on September 11th. Apart from some pre-existing commitments she will be away from our diocese until the New Year.

As well as taking time to refresh Bishop Bev will be spending some time in the Diocese of Europe supporting various ministries on the continent. The Bishop also hopes to get back into scriptural and theological reflection around how Greek classical literature influenced the writings of the apostle Paul.

Bishop Bev is embarking on this study leave now that Bishop of John is settled into our diocese. This gives her the space and time to take this time away from Liverpool. 

Bishop Bev said “I am grateful to be able to take time this autumn and look forward to re-engaging with some spiritual, scriptural and theological reflection. The church, inspired by Jesus, knows the importance of sabbatical for us all so guided by this and our diocesan Rule of Life I am having some breathing space. I love our diocese and will continue to hold you in my prayers”.

Bishop John added “The Diocese of Liverpool owes Bishop Bev a great amount of gratitude for her leadership during the vacancy. I myself am grateful for being able to come into a diocese with a clear vision and stable leadership. I pray that Bishop Bev will be blessed and refreshed during her time away.” 

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