
The Church Representation Rules govern all PCC elections.

Elected Members: The number of directly elected members on your PCC depends on the size of your church's electoral roll.

Electoral Roll PCC members
1-49 6


100-199 12
200+ 15

Each elected PCC member has a term of office lasting three years. One-third of these members retire each year and may stand for re-election.

Ex Officio Members: These include all clergy licenced to the Parish.
Parish representatives on Deanery, Diocesan or General Synod are automatically members of a PCC irrespective of how they got on to the Deanery, Diocesan or General Synod. However, they can also stand for election as well if they so choose.

Appointed Members:  Only Licensed Readers may be appointed to the PCC at the Annual Meeting. Such appointments only last until the next Annual Meeting.
Readers who hold Permission To Officiate (PTO) or are Emeritus (retired Readers) must stand for election with any other lay member of the church.

Co-opted Members:  The PCC may co-opt up to two additional members if less than fifteen lay members are elected, or three if fifteen lay members were directly elected. Co-opted members can be clergy or lay members of the Church of England who must have received communion within an Anglican church at least three times in the previous 12 months.

How to elect your PCC members

PCC members may be elected by a show of hands or by a paper ballot. You can find detailed guidance within Part 9 the Church Representation Rules.

Renewing your parish's Electoral Roll

Although the PCC must revise its Electoral Roll each year, in every sixth year a new Electoral Roll must be prepared from scratch. At this time anyone wishing to have their name entered on the parish's new Electoral Roll must formally apply for enrolment, whether or not they were named on the previous Electoral Roll.

The next full wipe and recreate will be in 2025.

Only those people named on the parish's Electoral Roll, at the start of the Annual Meeting, may vote in the PCC and Deanery Synod elections.

You can download forms that may help you with revising your Electoral Roll here.

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