
Maintaining our church buildings through a regular programme of inspection

A Quinquennial Inspection [QQI] is a five-yearly report on the state of the church building by an approved architect or surveyor. It is one of the most important tools for the local church in maintaining the building's fabric.

The report usually includes a list of recommended works in order of urgency, each of which requires a detailed specification and schedule of works before they can be undertaken.

Each specification is then submitted to the DAC for advice before a petition for a Faculty can be made to the Chancellor.

A Quinquennial Inspection of your buildings should be carried out every five years by your Quinquennial Architect. Following the inspection, the DAC will send a copy of the report to the PCC, which should discuss its content and recommendations and agree on a programme of work to eradicate any problems highlighted.

The Buildings Advisor, Tom Beesley, will contact parishes following receipt of the report and make arrangements for a site visit to discuss the contents of the report and the Architects' recommendations. Following that visit, the Building Advisor will send copies of his notes to the Parish, the Archdeacon and the DAC.

A self-assessment of progress should be made every year throughout the Quinquennial period to highlight any outstanding items.

Parishes should work closely with their architect, the DAC and the Buildings Adviser to ensure that any recommended repairs have a planned programme in place to carry out the work.

View our step-by-step guide to the Quinquennial Inspection Process.

All quinquennial repair work will require a faculty.  Please see the link to the DAC pages for faculty advice and downloads.

Your Quinquennial Architect

The key to good care of your church building is having a sound working relationship with your architect or surveyor. Your architect should be regarded as the Church's GP.

The QQI architect sends the parish Incumbent or priest-in-charge a Query List before the inspection date is arranged. The QQI Architect asks that each item on the Query List is available on the day of the inspection to enable the report to be conducted thoroughly to the Diocesan Guidelines.

Although an inspecting architect or surveyor is only appointed for the purpose of Quinquennial Inspection, there is a great deal to be said for keeping the same person, each time and year after year. It makes for:

  • better planning and programming of work
  • an established professional relationship that is both helpful and creative
  • the architect knowing about the church, its history, construction and most importantly, its problems.

The DAC strongly recommends that the inspecting architect and author of the QQI Report should be the same person who administers and directs any subsequent repairs.

Buildings Advisor

For help and advice contact:
Tom Beesley
Resources Buildings Advisor
t: 0151 705 2180 (Tuesdays only)
m: 07836 242986
e: tom.beesley@liverpool.anglican.org

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