Introducing five practical steps your church can do to support giving in 2022.

First published on: 14th January 2022

While we have been blessed by the stories of parish and individual generosity over the last year, we know that worshipping communities face financial challenges in 2022. These can seem overwhelming so we have identified five tried and tested steps you can do in your church. This week we introduce those five steps will explore them in more depth over the next few weeks.

Epiphany invites us to know Jesus more deeply and to make Him known and, as our Rule of Life reminds us, generosity is part of our discipleship. Think about our Epiphany readings. Wise men bring gifts rich in value and meaning. Wedding guests taste abundant, top-shelf quality wine. The baptismal waters signify the grace through which God makes us all the children of God.

Yet this Epiphany we also live with pandemic uncertainty, cost of living anxiety for millions, and our churches wrestling and often worrying about money. How can we ‘mind the gap’ between Gospel promise and our very real financial challenges?

Over the next few weeks, we will explore practical steps churches can take in 2022 to meet those real financial needs and more than that, as Paul says, to grow in the grace of giving (2 Cor 8:7).

These five practical steps are


  1. Build a generous culture in our congregations.
    Make time for intentional conversations about good giving in your church. That’s the game-changer.
  2. Make giving easy: engage with the Parish Giving Scheme.
    Have serious conversations this year about joining and/or maturing your PGS engagement.
  3. Make giving easy: go digital.
    Do more with your contactless and online options and what you say on website and media and social media. We can help.
  4. Make money part of worship and discipleship.
    Preach and teach generous giving; celebrate in the offertory.
  5. Say please and thank you.
    We have financial needs so ask for support; and say thank you, thank you, and thank you again. We can’t thank people enough so let’s try.

So, five steps you can do in 2022. Maybe not all of them; certainly not all at once! But all have been proven to work and make a difference to giving in church. We will dig deeper in the coming weeks.

Support for your stewardship

We are here to help. If you need support or have any questions then contact our Resources Team at or phone 0151 705 2180.

Thank you for all you do to encourage giving in your church.


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